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Veers's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 04-15-2003 09:42 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 22
Comments: 5
Views: 93,916

In General Elbow pins! Fun! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #18 New 07-03-2003 10:09 PM
Well, I slacked off a bit on TUesday...but I had a friend spending the night after class, so I had to entertain my guest. That class went well.

Before class I was asking sensei about kaiten nage...we had worked on doing it from shomen uchi on TUesday...and I was trying to remember how to do it from morote dori, but couldn't. So he helped jog my memory by throwing me into the mat a few times.

Today was great... I did tenchi nage with Sam...we got going really fast, to where he would just barely grab me before hitting the ground. Sensei was watching and smiling...

We did a version of irimi nage...but I can't remember which one...kind of hazy...hmm...

At the end of our normal class, we worked on an elbow pin. That one was really cool! I felt like sensei was about to rip my arm out of socket a few times. I worked on that one with Sam, and we were trying different escapes (not many worked!) and stuff. That was sweet. After class, a guy from the karate class asked me to show it to him, so I happily pinned him. He thought it was cool.

Worked with the jo tonight. Actually...we didn't have enough to go around...so I ended up doing most of the solo stuff with a bokken. Hey, it's the form that's important, not the fact that if it had been a real sword I wouldn't be typing this now.

The jo was really neat, though I think I like the bokken better. John (who teaches the weapons section) prefers bokken while sensei prefers jo, so we're going to see a good mix, I predict; which suits me.

Need to get myself a jo...I guess my view of it now is that if jo kata will take a year at minimum to learn, I'd better get started!

Well, I'm a bit sore...threw myself off the end of a jo too hard a couple times... I need a shower. I'm thirsty, still...and I need to brush my teeth. So, I'll end this and go take care of the above. Until Tuesday...have a happy Independence Day...

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