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trademark8806's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-14-2009 12:51 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 68
Comments: 185
Views: 244,338

In Training Better late then never.... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #47 New 06-12-2010 06:03 PM
I been working on becoming a 6th kuy for like 6 months, now. I not only memorized them, but can do them all with my eyes closed or thats what I thought.
I know how to say Shomenuchi Kokyunage ....however , I know in my head how to Kokyunage and that it has for steeps. However, everyother time I do it I make the last tow steeps into one seep. It's like me and dubble slap rolse, same dellima. I know it contioly, but its like when I get scared I blank. I must have a phobia to it or somehting. I need to figure that out!
I geting perdy good at Katatetori Shihonage... only truble is knowing the defrence in how to pronoce Katatetori and katatori. They sound the same to me so I have to watch people moths when they say them. ( Auttory porcing disorder, must be kicking in).
I preddy good at shomenuchi Iriminage, only just have to rember go strate rather then too the side and keep arm start.
I know how to do Katatori Nikiyo, with my eye close, only need to work on the pin a litte bit.
Today in class got many ponters form sinsay becaue we did a lot of work on requriments. Onter then messing up on the 4 steps into 1 he says your more then readdy for you test. I nonded, for onece I think I am readdy too!
Views: 2238 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Better late then never...."
#1 07-16-2010 09:18 AM
chris wright Says:
Nice one, good luck with your test.

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