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trademark8806's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-14-2009 01:51 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 68
Comments: 185
Views: 251,486

In General A thought for the day... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #52 New 09-26-2010 12:11 PM
Here is question I was asked by my sisay...Your unkimi has gotton better, is that becaue of fear or pratice?
My answer was I do not know, he replyles with, I think fear.
This has stared me thinking, is it better to alow fear to lead your actions or to alow the logic of the brain to lead your actioms? I suppose this is kinda of an age old question.. whether the heart or the head should lead.
Fear thow is odd in its nature becaue it comes or seems to come form both the head and the heart. In that the head cause the fear offten by relizing what could happen and that the result is unwelcome, in fact decing that the oucum is ither welcme or unwelcom. However, it comes form the heart in that it is offen fear that cause the irational behaviors we find ourselves requrting letter.
I was thinking on his question, becvaue I never relly thought about fear being a motavtor , defently a inhibtor but not a motavator. The more I thought about it the more I relized in a way he was right , I was lead by fear. Fear that doing someing wrong would reslut in this. I wonder thow if the gole of Akido might be to move beonynd the fear as the movator and into a relam of simply knowing. Porhaps away then from the hart and in to mind.
As always pless let me know your thogghts ... I sure this one has many sides. Thankyou for reading.
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