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tiyler_durden's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-23-2005 06:34 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 117 (Private: 56)
Comments: 2
Views: 227,371

In General Strange Training. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #51 New 04-01-2005 12:28 AM

Well I arrived at the dojo in time and gave Brent Sensei my fee for the coming month and also a nice Magazine I got in Germany with some interesting stuff in it.
I got changed and then arrived Bas and Jos and I did a little warm up and tried to get mentally ready for class.
We where all brought onto the mat as Bas told us about an incident that happened with his friend in town who was attacked by five guys and beat up with bike locks and stuff.

We then did some training with ground work. I was pared with Bas who was pretty good on the floor and did very well and then it was my turn. Bas was showing off by doing high kicks to the head and though this funny to taunt me by saying I was not doing well so I explained that I did not want to hurt him, yet he carried on and said it was ok for me to do something so I waited for his next high show off high kick and swept the leg from him and he dropped like a sack of shit!
He rolled on the floor like a girl and I sat by watching him.

We then started our class and Bas took the warm up. This is allways fun to see as he is super stiff and super weird to watch.

We then did forward ukemi and backwards ukemi. this was followed by shihonage. We did shihonage with each other and this was super nice to do with Jos as he is a great Uke and moves so nice, I hope to be like that one day.
We then did Koyonage with I have done before in another style of Aikido and this was fun to do with Brent sensei who said it was fun to throw me as I am so long it takes ages for me to fall and hit the ground.

We then did (Four Kokyunage) the Kata I need to know. This is super easy for me to do now and I like doing it. We then did Four kokyo nage advanced where the Uke attacks and you do the first and second technique from the four and then Hijate....

We did Jiu waza on Jos but we beat him up!!

Great lesson

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