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The Journey Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-22-2006 09:57 AM
My ramblings about my journey through life and Aikido
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 2
Views: 15,879

In General It's been too long... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 09-27-2006 03:26 AM
Well after attending my first class last night my body has really let me know just how long it has been since I did ukemi. I gave it a shot last night and landed quite a few of them a bit heavily... funnily enough though it's my thighs that are 'feeling the burn' this morning. Guess I'm just not as young and fit as I'd like to believe. My dad says the same thing, he doesn't realise that he's getting old until he looks in the mirror and sees an old, balding man looking back. To me I'm still 21 and in my prime, not 35 and starting to spread around the middle (who needs a six-pack when you can bring a whole keg!)

Loved it though, some of the footwork was coming back to me (slowly), although my timing and balance was all over the place. The people were friendly and all seemed to enjoy being there, and that is a real selling point for me. Mutual enthusiasm can really get you going when you just don't feel like it and everyone benefits from a happy atmosphere. I'll definitely be back!
Views: 1958 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "It's been too long..."
#1 09-29-2006 09:57 AM
70's Says:
Settle your breathing. Just walk perfectly for a while. Straight walk, feet parallel, shoulder-width apart (walk slowly) breathing down, (compress) momentary hold, and exhaling up with power (in private!) Feel alive. Repeat. Speed up over 1 or 2 hours/day. then slow again; and over.......

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