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Tuesday marked my introduction to Koshinage. A wonderful little technique in which you step into Uke and catapult him/her over the lower part of your back. (please excuse my generic descriptions) The technique looks like it has potential to be a whole lot of fun when fully executed. We, the small group of Tuesday practioners, were only allowed to test out balancing the weight of Uke to get the feel of proper positioning. When Sensei was through with his sermon and it was time for us to grab a partner I noticed everyone scrambled rather quickly. Then I looked to my left and realized why. Since everyone had claimed a partner, mine was to be a fellow who weighs in around 240-250 pounds of "Big Fella". Oh joy!!!
It was one of those on and off days. We worked projection, take downs and pins from Sankyo. For the most part I did fairly well. During one variation I compeltely missed something and just stood their looking like a dear in headlights. Better luck next time. During line throws I almost got chucked through a mirror and one guy came at me a little faster than usual so he got thrown a lot harder than he was expecting and landed real awkward like. We all cringed in unison, fortunately he wasn't hurt and kept his sense of humor.
Tonight Bob is back. Which means I might actually get my Gi. WHOO *and might I add an enthusiastic* HOO.