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Terry Donaghe's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 09:40 AM
Terry Donaghe
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 36
Comments: 5
Views: 77,342

In General 6th Practice Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 07-01-2004 10:44 PM
Today marks the first practice I've had just 2 days after the previous one. For once I wasn't too sore to practice soon. Yay! It was, as usual, a fantastic experience.

We have two students in the class now who are newer than me, so it may not have been coincidence that none of the techniques we learned today involved any throwing into forward rolls. It was all back throws and locks. I also experienced my first tanto (is that right?) training which was pretty cool.

I am beginning to learn that someone who attacks a skilled Aikidoist with a weapon is going to regret it. One technique we learned tonight would easily break the arm of a knife wielding attacker unless the aikidoist was extremely skilled and WANTED to not break the arm (though I guess that's the point of Aikido, right?). We also learned a groovy pin and a couple of nasty holds to do to anyone foolish enough to attack us with a knife (wooden or otherwise).

Sitting here at home just after practice, I'm experiencing some pain in my back. I think I took at least one fall improperly, though I'm pretty sure I did ok for a beginner on most of my back falls. I think I may be hurting tommorow, but I don't think it's anything nasty. We'll see. Last time I thought it was nothing nasty I was out for a couple of weeks (though I guess that's not REALLY nasty).

Apparently there will be practice at the Dojo on the Fourth. If I'm not hurting too bad, I'm going to try to be there. I'm having a great time doing Aikido!
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