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tales from the aiki side Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-10-2005 05:38 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 20 (Private: 1)
Comments: 3
Views: 85,433

In General fare well Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #19 New 04-05-2006 09:32 AM
well it is with sadness that i have to say that one of my dojo (mushinkan) has decided to close it doors, i know i have moaned about the sensei of that dojo but i liked him really , i will miss him and the others who attended the class,
Views: 1715

In General OMG SHES BACK Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #18 New 02-21-2006 11:08 AM
hey guys how are you all ive not been on here in months but hey hope you mised me wel classes have been going erm ok thursday sensei still thinks im made of china ,and still loves shouting at me at every given oppertunity. sssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo how are you all let me know
Views: 1550

In General off line for a while Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #17 New 12-19-2005 06:10 AM
ok guys dont know how long im going to be offline for , just hope you dont forget me i will be keeping up my training which is going great although my sensei (thursday one) wasnt to keen on me doing my forward ukemi from standing lol but the other students were quite impressed with it (he still insists im made of china and will break easily) so bye for now guys and watch this space for more tales from the aiki side mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha::
Views: 1875

In General im back Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #16 New 12-04-2005 05:36 AM
ok so i know i havent posted my aiki blog for a while but have been having a few problems. well as few of you will know i do a wednesday and thursday class, well i decided to go to on of lone pines monday classes last monday . and omg id never seen so many men i black skirts (to quote a dear freind of mine 'man i black skirt no frighten me') ok but how does ten men in black skirts grab u . omg i had never been more afraid to step on the mats, luckily there came a few words of encouragement from an unexpected person and all was well.

thursdays class didnt go so well as came more yelling from my fav person oh yeay for me .still pretty bruised from a wednesday class, 23rd of november is a class i aint gonna forget in a hurry .

well it was near the end of class and we were doing sankyo technique there was little old me partnered up with a rather nice senior of our dojo , and he wasnt holding back on me he was putting it on full force, his sankyo worked so well i squeeled in pain , unfortunatly one of the other members of our dojo didnt take kindly to this guy doing it to me so they ran on the mat shouted at him and hit him in a place guys dont like to be hit .

ps that person was my 5 year old daughter, although she shouldnt have done it you got to give her credit,1:for having the guts to do that to a senioir and 2: for being so protective of her mummy

oh well thats about it for now take care and watch this space for more tales from the aiki side
Views: 1879 | Comments: 1

In General its a knock out..... revenge was mine Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #15 New 11-09-2005 04:26 PM
class was a blast today doing knockout pressure points yea got my revenge on adam hee heewen he asked sensei if we wer doing it right i moved behind him so ray made adam uke for him insted of me! it worked a treat

well not much really to say about tonight except i had fun hee hee well take care my aiki lovers for tomorrows installment of tales from the aiki side
Views: 1645

In General randori with ice please Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #14 New 11-03-2005 03:33 AM
mmmmmmmmmm ok so another fun filled class at aiki jujutsu so we just started of with a basic tenkan step just practicing that for a while.

then panter sensei announced we would be doing randori omg it was mad we were going so fast i kept tripping over my own feet. then it was just the adults we were doing ok til it got to me going to puch adam and we clashed and we did a full body check ouchy and poor mrs shoulder coped it again.

mmmm next bit was just sssssssssoooooooooooooooo cool we were taught what i would term as a sleeper hold its was beserk but sooooooooooo effective im stil trying to regain feeling in my face( thank you adam ill get you next time).
i thouroughly enjoyed last nights class and i cant wait til next week to see what we do next.

well take care my aiki lovers and wait til next week for more tales from the aiki side.
Views: 1788

In General mushinkan mayhem....... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #13 New 10-27-2005 05:02 PM
well we had a full class for once which was good, as there were plenty of people to practice with. usual round of warm ups then we started on tenkan which would have been good if my knee hadnt given out on me.

then we did that 'knee walkin exercise' cant remember what you call it.

then we went on to do this technique,wer we grabbed there shoulders creating a ring of energy,, and sensei applied this to us all but wen it came to my turn he threw me and i must have looked as if i was going to land badly cos he quiet roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

then disaster struck wen he asked us to practice our ukemis, now you know im really bad at these and tend to cower in the corner wen asked to do them,but he calmly explaind i had to keep trying or i could get hurt wen beenig uke................... so i gave it my best shot and hey i did it and with his help i even did a near perfect backwards ukemi.

sad thing is we are having dojo problems that and not many people turn up, and sensei said he may just stop altogether which will be a shame i have come to like the people i train with and ok so he yells at me alot have even come to have respect for my sensei.

ok enough of this im gonna watch some tv andtry to regain feeling in my right arm back next week for more tales from the aiki side
Views: 6246

In General oh no not another jo Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #12 New 10-26-2005 04:02 PM
m ok tonights class was wepons and what fun we had i only droped my jo 5 times the class was taken by kevin harris he is pretty darn good for an old guy.

i cant remember what half the technniques are called im gonna have to look them up.

not sure if im getting any better but hey you dont get any good at anything unless you keep trying.

kids enjoyed them selves to they seem to be getting much better at paying attention to the instructor. not much else to say really exceot watch this space for more tales from the aiki side
Views: 1710

In General mushinkan mayhem Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #11 New 10-20-2005 04:44 PM
mmmmmmmmmm we did this exercise with a jo were we had to spin it from side to side moving our centre slightly but keeping our head facing front , it was going quiet well until i lost grip of my jo and it went flying in the direction of our beloved sensei trouble was i didnt do it just once i did it three times , in the end i had to put my jo down before i killed some one.

we then went on to do my fav thing of all ..........backwards ukemi ok this i did or rather i tried to do but failed miserably at i think im gonna have to do more practice on this as its my one week point is my ukemi forwards i can do fine but backwards seems to elude me

we then went on to do taeno hanken (sorry if the spelling is wrong) mmmmmm ok now this went alittle better and after a few goes i was really getting the hang of it.

mmmmmm now doing streaching excercises at the end of class sensei asked us all to lie on our fronts i was lucky as he only stood on the guys backs but then he started patting our backs which sounds nice but it wasnt he did it so hard it took me ages to get up(i think he was trying to do some sort of massage on us)............................... but it hurt like hell ooooooooooooooooooo the pain oooooooooooooooooooo the agony so consiquently i think after a visit to our local spinal unit i should be up and running for next weeks installment of pain . ok take care my aiki lovers and wait for more installments of tales from the aiki side
Views: 1642

In General lone pain ryu Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #10 New 10-19-2005 04:15 PM
mmmmmmm twas the nikkiyo before christmas and all up my arm, the pain was a creepin ...................ok ok i know it nearly xmas and im excited

as you may have guessed from my bad re write of 'twas the night before xmas' we were doing nikkiyo tonight i think i was doing quite well tonight not too many mistakes only had to be corrected twice to night which by all accounts is doing better for me, im battered and bruised but it was a really good class i really enjoyed it and cant wait for next weeks installment of pain ok take care my aiki buddies and keep alook out for more tales from the aiki side
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