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In General
Leaden (not leading) Uke
12-20-2003 12:39 AM |
Thursday Jo practice aside, techniques either felt light (seldom) or labourous (often); I've been paying close attention to how my own body feels as well as uke's --- knowing that whenever I do something and it feels overly awkward and/or there's a strain to my arms, then I'm using more muscle (well, what little I've got) than ki extension. Depending on the uke, things can feel just fine, or uke can feel stiff and/or heavy like he did sometimes today.
That's not to mention how heavy I felt. Though I thought I had kept myself fairly hydrated, I must have been pretty dehydrated after all, since I was feeling as heavy as a ton of bricks, peeling myself off the mat as uke for Sensei --- poor guy --- for myself, I certainly didn't feel as light and responsive as I normally do.
We worked on Shomenuchi Yonkyo (Suwari Waza) and Morotaedori Iriminage. Once again, the "Overly-Sensitive Nage" in me came out in the latter, as I was always afraid of face-planting uke with my naturally low squatting (the curse of a shortie such as me) despite Sensei's urgings that I really should bring them right down to the mat anyway. This seems to be a reoccuring theme for me...the conflict between doing what I know is technically-sound waza and potentially injuring uke. The jury's still out.
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