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Gokkyu (A Retrospective), aka WOOHOO!
03-01-2004 03:47 PM |
[I've been keeping track and writing this thing for about a year now, and I guess now's finally the time to finish it. ]
From the very beginning, I've been trying to pay very close attention to detail. Every nuance of Sensei's moves is deliberate, and I need to continue catching the patterns in his movements. Slowly, I feel as though I am piecing together a very intricate puzzle bit by bit...
So what have I learned so far?
- To listen to my body. That if a technique feels awkward or I feel even slightly off balance, I'm doing something incorrectly and need to make an adjustment.
- To have faith in myself. I can get carried away by feelings of self-doubt, and I keep forgetting that inherently, my body knows how to move (as alluded to above) and what to do if I just listen to it.
- To breathe. I mean, really breathe --- to pay attention to my breathing, which is not only relaxing, but gets me completely centred and focused in the moment.
- That it's not about perfection --- it's about who and where I am right now. And that in itself is pretty darn awesome. I always keep looking back, thinking, "it could have been so much better" --- and really, it always could be. But you know what? It's a long haul, but it *will* only get better. (Thanks Carolynne!) 
Stats/Little Milestones as of 02/28/04:
Training w/current dojo since - January 8, 2003
Number of classes - 205?
Number of days extra training on the weekend - 5
Number of seminars attended - 2
Number of other dojos visited while travelling - 2
Number of classes at other dojos as visitor - 3
Total number of hours training - Who knows?
Number of journal entries - 95
Number of hours of remedial massage - 4.5
Number of scrapes and bruises - Inumerable. Heck, my whole body feels just like one giant bruise sometimes
Number of times my massive Yonkyo bruises freaked someone out - 2
Number of times toes got all banged up - Never stopped to count
Number of bloody noses - 1.0
Number of other females who joined the dojo briefly and left - 3 *sniff* :0(
Number of times that the first thing someone said when I told them I practice Aikido was, "Oh! Like Steven Segal!" - 2
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