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In Testing
02-18-2010 03:39 PM |
Obviously, I can't say that I've been over thinking my training lately. In it's own way, that has been a great blessing.
For I can definitively say, however, that it never ceases to amaze me how quickly the proverbial time goes by. Just a moment ago, it seems, I was testing for Ikkyu and for that brief moment it felt like I could breathe a sigh of relief…only to find now that almost a whole year has passed and lo and behold, here we are on the doorstep to Shodan.
Earlier last month, we found out the date to the next spring seminar - at which Kawahara sensei expects that Jeremy and I will test. My initial reaction to the news was to scurry around in a circle multiple times while flapping my little brown arms up and down, making an "Eeeeeeeeeeee!"-like sound.
Suffice it to say, I've calmed down quite a bit since then.
Naturally, this does not prevent a dozen butterflies from taking up residence in one of my larger digestive organs whenever I think about the test at great length. But as of late, the dreadful insects and I have come to terms with one another, at least of a sort. Kind of like having to live with annoying roommates: heck, they're paying their fair share of the rent so you can't really complain too much. I don't bother them and they don't bother me. In fact, I am considering harnessing their wing power and converting it into a kind of Ki-like substance. Purely theory at this point, you understand. The logistics are still being worked out.
Last night, Sensei took pretty much the whole class to run each of us completely through the basic and additional sections of our test (minus the optional portion for the time being since no one had brought their weapons). Up to that point, we had only been doing run-throughs in shorter sections and switching back and forth as nage during those smaller blocks of techniques. This was the first time we'd actually done almost the whole thing from start to finish on our own. So I was a tad on the nervous side.
Never before have the words "Ladies first" given me as much disappointment as they did then.
But after the first few reps, as though on queue, my body took over from my mind and did its thing. After all was said and done - aside from being thoroughly flushed and very much warmed up to take ukemi for Jeremy - I walked away from the experience with the satisfaction that at the very least, I know where I stand. I was able to show what I confidently know up to this point and I didn't overextend myself. Having gone through that, I have a far more accurate picture of where my strengths and weaknesses lie with this test and I fully understand the gaps in my knowledge - the things that will become the focus of my training in the days to come.
It is now just over two weeks to the seminar. There is a small voice in the back of my mind going, "Eeeeeeeeeeee!" but it's barely a whisper. I am certain, however, that the butterflies are conspiring together towards some devious plan of escape. But so long as this does not result in an upheaval all over Kawahara Sensei on March 6th, I am determined to be content with whatever happens.
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