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C-c-c-cold K-k-k-keiko and Koshinage
01-06-2005 03:13 AM |
I had nearly forgotten what it was like to train on ice-like mats. Though I certainly didn't miss it. It was another one of those nights where the wind was blowing in such a way outside as to make the dojo freezing cold. Bigger class than last --- it was pretty much the whole core group out tonight, actually --- like old times, with the exception of Sensei being away for the night.
So Sempai Tim and Jeremy led the class, starting with some Ryokatatedori Shihonage. While working through my reps, I tried to pay close attention to knowing (with both sight and feel) the tension in uke's arm and his energy so as to ensure that I continually had his centre and was going with his momentum.
Before ending the night with a couple of rounds of Randori, we did a fair amount of work on Shomenuchi Koshinage (which was on the yonkyu test). Sempai Jeremy passed on something interesting that Sensei mentioned a few weeks ago (which I missed) regarding weight distribution and squatting properly --- that it's more stable to squat down:
- with your weight mostly on your heels (you should be able to lift your toes) and not forward
- as though you're sitting in a chair, (taking care that your knees do not bend such that they are forward past your toes)
Both of these ensure that you are able to support uke's weight with stability and without much (if any) strain on the knees.
I made a point of trying out letting my weight rest back on my heels like that, with consistent success as a result --- which is great, considering Koshinage is practically the bane of my Aiki-existence. :-P
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