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RonRagusa's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-21-2005 06:24 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 145
Comments: 79
Views: 374,239

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  #63 New 08-08-2008 08:42 AM
I have a center to which is drawn that of which I am. And still my center draws not just but gives back as well and so becomes a continuous loop of giving and receiving. Thus is my connection to the universe established and reinforced.

Having established that I am of the universe not merely in the universe, what then is the nature of my of-ness? How am I linked to the totality?

I think of myself as an energy well. Energy condenses at my center (one point) and coagulates into the matter that forms my body. As a living entity I also emit energy in the form of electromagnetism. Thus I am seen to be simultaneously an attractor and an emitter and so my connection to the universe is established. I am simply a conduit; but not so simply after all. For added to the physicality of my of-ness is another component: self-awareness. Self-awareness cannot be explained by any of the sciences; it cannot be measured or quantified. Self-awareness is a mystery. For all that we can say is that it is inexorably linked to life.

Practice of Aikido enhances my self-awareness. As I continue to train I become more acutely aware of my intimate connection to the rest of the universe. It is as though I am ‘tuning' myself as a master piano tuner tunes a Steinway. Aikido training integrates mind and body resulting in mind-body just as Relativity integrates space and time into space-time. I am a continuum; a temporary ripple of the Continuum.
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