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RonRagusa's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-21-2005 06:24 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 145
Comments: 79
Views: 379,510

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  #114 New 01-06-2009 10:13 AM
A Metaphorical Parable

Hello. I am a being of immense power. I stand outside creation and possess the ability to observe without interfering. Heisenberg and his nasty Uncertainty Principle are confined to creation; I am free of his curse. I am granting you the ability to step out of creation for a while so that we may look upon another of my works together.

Envision a universe consisting of a single switch. The switch has two possible end-states; end-state zero, called off and end-state one, called on. The switch is considered in an end-state when there is no ambiguity regarding whether the switch is on or off.

For the switch either end-state coincides with the moment. In the moment the switch has no motion, no mass, no energy; it simply is. In the moment, the universe that is the switch is static. Between moments the switch will swap end-states. Between moments the switch is not on and the switch is not off. It is between moments that the universe that is the switch is dynamic. The process that the switch undergoes when it oscillates from one end-state to another is called Ki.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…
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