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Qatana's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-06-2003 10:30 PM
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Entries: 24
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In General Testblog, 3rd kyu Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 11-08-2005 11:04 PM
From the budobabes tribe at www.tribe.net:

Charlie's class is Test Prep. He usually forgets this a couple of months after the latest test cycle and goes back to his big, swoopy, Frank Doran-style techniques with ten different changes of direction which leave you asking, couldn't I have just done something easy like Yonkyo?

NOw, however we are cramming for Rich's Shodan and I get the benefit of piggybacking along. We all always train for the highest level being tested, its the only time I get to do koshinage or knife take-aways. Most of the techniques we worked on tonight were on my test-Ikkyo-Yonkyo, both variations. I really only need to Get the Ura's on Nikkyo & Yonkyo and polish up my Sankyo. I have do do it from shomenuchi both standing and kneeling and it hurts my broken toe.

I got to work with Charlie quite a bit and he wouldnt let me take ukemi, just wazawazawaza most of the class. How am I ever going to be able to do magnificent ukemi if nobody gives me practice?

My jiyuwaza/randori is better than I expected. Of course my ukes were taking it real easy on me but I ran away much less than on my last test. And I actually didn't practice jiyuwaza for my last one so its no wonder I sucked! At least I remembered a couple of techniques!

So I feel pretty good about this test. Naturally my life has taken this sudden turn and I'm Busy as all hell, just when I expected to be twiddling my thumbs for the next 2 months!

Anyhow, if any of you non-aikido poeple want to know what I 'm talking about, just ask. Maybe I will be able to try to answer before somebody who Knows it Right! I have trouble verbalising aikido in my own dojo but it will be part of my practice to try to explain the techniques, or even just adequately translate them from Japanese
Views: 2656 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "Testblog, 3rd kyu"
#5 12-02-2005 08:23 AM
Qatana Says:
Randori practice tonite. So much more fun than jiyuwaza, I know exactly what's coming and what I'm spose to do and I can enjoy it. Sensei says I was bearing down in the throw tho, and my 76 yr-old uke, my teacher Bill, says I was a "little aggressive". I beat up old men and teenage boys. We also did some tantodori, a tsuki kotegaeshe which all the test candidates had to get up and demo, then a yokomen gokyo, which I didn't like at all. I think because it wasn't "pretty", not because of the knife coming at me. Well, not entirely. I did enjoy watching Sensei demonstrating gokyo on 17 year old Josh, tho. Wonder what he did to deserve it...
#4 11-30-2005 11:34 AM
Qatana Says:
My Toes! My Toes! My Toes! OOOOOWWWWWW! I am told it Never stops hurting... OTOH, did my very first absolutely sensationless breakfall. Wasn't even sure anything had even happened, it was so quick and painless
#3 11-19-2005 03:55 PM
Qatana Says:
Nikkyo! Actually the Test was "staying present and in good humour while demoing nikkyo ura wrong over & over & over & over & over & over..." Even managed to get it right when I got to variations from shomen...
#2 11-18-2005 09:42 AM
Qatana Says:
Last night Sensei essentially told me that my test score this tiome will be heavily influenced by my jiyuwaza. Granted its my weak point but we practice it about three times a year, and it Is Not Required for Third Kyu. This of course doesn't stop him having us do jiyuwaza from test 1, fifth kyu, but really, now I'm feeling trapped in a corner, which is what usually happens in my jiyuwaza. Either I'm trying to enter withut getting off the line, and/or blend without Connection.He doesn't give a damn what my technique looks like then, he wants to see Connect-Get offline-enter-blend and Then maybe technique will happen, which fortunately it did, a little last night. I even pulled off something big & swoopy, and it seems my default technique is kaitenage, which is kinda surprising, cuz we only practice that about 3 times a year,too! In terms of technique, I have to get my shomenuchi kotegaeshe, the nikkyo ura and both yonkyos. I'm fair on the others.And hopefully will continue to practice the suwariwaza with Rich, who is the hardest person in the dojo for me to move and for anyone to pin...
#1 11-11-2005 08:51 AM
Qatana Says:
Worked on ura techniques last night. Ikkyo, Katatadori shihonage and Ushiro tekubitori sankyo. The concentration was on the blend, making uke go "forward" while nage steps"back. I couln Not do Anything with my uke till Sensei slowed it down to where I could see the blend, it feels to me like tryig to put on uke's clothes while she is still wearing them...anyway, it worked beautifully for all threee techniques.The sankyo was remarkably easy;granted I really like ushiro techniques, but I think a really responsive uke had something to do with it! And I have discovered that I can watch nage's hands even during my ukemi, finally managed to See that when Josh releases my hand he turns his hand over, torquing my wrist, so that gave us something to work with and he did a great job of correcting his throw. Sometimes I scare myself... Oh, and when sensei called me up to demo my technique he gave me two "Good!"s! Maybe one was a "very good"...

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