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Aikido tests are over for the year. Last night I thought I would be to sick to test, today I am a Brown Belt!
The test itself was a blur but all I knw was I ended up the jiyuwaza with two attackers Smiling, and thats really all that mattered, really. Best jiyuwaza I've Ever done, now I think I Get It.
And the Only corrections I get were universal in the dojo, every one of us had the same problem so the teaching staff know now what they need to concentrate on with us.
And Janet came to give me support, which she did by taping up my wrist, and giving me her very own gently worn brown belt to wear,which I will not actually wear on the mat until everybody else gets their new belts.
Now to work on the next one. Yokumenuchi ikkyo-yonkyo. Katadori ikkyo-yonkyo suwariwaza. Koshis...Variations(everybody's weak point)
Maybe I can do it in a year....
It was a good test.