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Qatana's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-06-2003 10:30 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 24
Comments: 34
Views: 133,265

In General coolness Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #9 New 10-05-2006 10:17 PM
What is so cool about this test is that I am fully prepared to fail it.I'm only doing it cuz Sensei invited me to.I know that what I *do* manage to assimilate on an energetiv level at least will stay with me and next year I will pass.
I still outrank all my kohai by two belts anyway so I know none of them witll pass me up in a year!

That IS what all this is about,ain't it?

Really,since my training isn't about technique anyway.its fine with me. I can always use to culltivate more humility! And tonite's jiyuwaza didn't get nearly as shredded as last week's, though I am getting lots of feedback on my wimpy ukemi. I am going to beg to do some heavy concentration on attacking after the test is done.
Views: 1730 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "coolness"
#1 10-05-2006 11:05 PM
Lan Powers Says:
Best wishes for your test.....it is a nice correlary between "Mu-shin" (no mind) in the action and the *acceptance* of the failure that may or may-not happen. If you are training the principles of the art (as it sounds) as apposed to just the techniques (mechanical motions) then I rather expect you will do far better on your test than you expect. Enjoy, Lan Powers Aikido of Midland (waaaaay out in the boonies of west TX)

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