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Personal progress in Aikido Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 04-02-2006 06:55 AM
Personal, not interesting rants of a newbie to aikido. Your comments helps me, thanks.
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 20
Comments: 16
Views: 74,740

In General Training at "advanced class" Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #11 New 09-28-2006 10:05 AM
I started attending "Advanced class" in my dojo since two weeks ago.
The techniques are allot more complicated and everyone is allot better than me.
It's rough to be so much worse than everyone by comparison (I'm 5th kyu, and the second lowest graded person in class is a 2nd kyu).
Sometimes when we do a complicated technique I feel like a Bufoon to be the only person in class who didn't get it from the two demonstrations the sensei gives.
On the other hand, when I concentrate on the footwork of the other trainers, I can spot their slackiness, due to the amount of time we invest in basic foot and hand work in the beginners class.
I think Advanced class pushes me forward tremendously. I just hope that I can keep up with it and start feeling at home soon.
Views: 1905 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Training at "advanced class""
#1 09-29-2006 08:49 AM
70's Says:
People advance with different strengths and weaknesses, but eventually all catch up in the 'denser' grades. It's a case of learning no to feel, and just do...again, and again. People think this is an easy art! It's not, and you are learning that.

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