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Passion Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 04-17-2011 05:46 PM
My journey in Seidokan Aikido.
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Status: Public
Entries: 2
Comments: 2
Views: 21,448

In Miscellaneous My introduction to Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 04-17-2011 06:05 PM
So, my first blog. This entry will be about how I learned about and subsequently started practicing Aikido.

I work at a drug and alcohol rehab center. One of the evening classes the center offers is an aikido class. Initially I had little interest or knowledge of what aikido was nor did I have the time during work to try a class. That all changed when I switched positions to work in the gym where the class is held and had time to actually try a class. I still didn't really have an opportunity to attend a class as no clients were interested at that time. After about 3 or 4 weeks we finally had a few clients decide that they wanted to try it out. One of those clients suggested that I join them as the instructor told her "The more the merrier" and I did. I wish every time I practice that I could thank her.

At first it was a little rough for me. I was able to attend the classes at work but didn't have days off when they held classes at the dojo. Even when they did start offering a class at the dojo on my only day off I found it hard to attend (father of 5 here, hard for me to attend anything that doesn't involve the kids.) Now 8 months later I find myself with the opportunity to attend 3 classes a week but it's still hard for me to attend them all. I try the best I can but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

I am really glad that I have found the dojo that I did. Everyone that I've met the practices there is really fun to be around. Sensei is really good and has been practicing for quite a few years. I've even hung out with the instructor at his house with my wife and kids and his fiance'.

Currently I am still a white belt but starting to feel confident that I could test and pass, kinda. I am kinda worried that I'll forget something simple, as that seems to be my forte. Stay tuned for updates on my training and what I learn at classes.

Views: 2125 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "My introduction to Aikido"
#2 05-03-2011 11:20 PM
Linda Eskin Says:
Thank you for blogging about your experience! Looking forward to reading of your adventures. :-)
#1 04-18-2011 01:24 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Hi Ryan, Thank you for sharing your beginning in aikido. I'm sure the more you'll learn the more you'll enjoy it.

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