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Onna Bugeisha Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-22-2009 02:01 PM
From a big fish in a small pond to a tiny fish in a big sea.
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 86
Comments: 159
Views: 275,588

In General Journey to 5th Kyu Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #40 New 11-07-2009 10:58 PM
Started Aikido: March 3, 2009
Date 5th kyu obtained: November 5, 2009
Number of students tested: 4 (2 males, 2 females)
Number of students passed: 4
Number of uke's utilized: 2 (switched uke's half way through test)
Techniques on 5th kyu exam: (may not be all inclusive)
~ Katatedori ai hanmi- ikkyo (omote & ura), shihonage (omote & ura), iriminage,
~ Katatedori gyaku hanmi- uchi & soto kaitenage, iriminage, kokyuho
~ Katadori- ikkyo (suwariwaza- omote & ura)
~ Ryotedori- kokyuho (suwariwaza)
~ Shomenuchi- ikkyo (suwariwaza- omote & ura)

Number of Aikido classes attended: 119
Total hours trained in Aikido: 159.5
Total hours trained in Iaido: 46
Total hours trained in Tai Chi: 26
Most hours trained in one week: 7 ½ (Aikido), 10 ½ (Total)
Most hours trained in one month: 27 (Aikido), 41 (Total)
Number of journal entries: 40 (Including this one)
New equipment obtained/purchased:
~ Gi
~ Bokken with saya
~ Iai obi
~ Hakama (borrowed from sensei)

I may add more to this if anything else comes to mind.
Views: 2094 | Comments: 4

RSS Feed 4 Responses to "Journey to 5th Kyu"
#4 11-10-2009 02:50 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
I would have to go Monday through Saturday to get that many hours!
#3 11-09-2009 11:27 PM
One of the local clubs here rewards the person with the highest number of hours of practice in a month... the record is something like 50 hours! .. lol..
#2 11-08-2009 12:51 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
Haha, those are just my tallies. Not like I won an award or anything. We have to keep track of our hours and I keep track of the hours at home too. Kind of neat to look at them sometimes.
#1 11-08-2009 11:19 AM
These read like video game stats.... you know, number of enemies killed: 12, Number of head shots: 3, Number of times died: 2, Number of buildings destroyed: 4, Number of prostitutes killed: 1, How in the world did you get 'Most hours trained in week/month'? lol

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