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Mary Eastland's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-29-2009 05:57 AM
Mary Eastland
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 71
Comments: 42
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In General uke and nage speak different dialects of the Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #18 New 10-01-2012 07:37 AM
When uke and nage speak different dialects of the same language can communication and deep listening still be accomplished?

This summer we have had a few visitors and a couple of new students. We had a young man who is a brown belt in Karate come to a few classes. He was so busy in his head I don't think he heard or saw anything new. He kept talking and explaining and apologizing. We both are fluent in English yet little communication has occurred. I heard him yet he can't hear me. He hasn't been back.

Another youngish man has been training regularly since the beginning of the summer. He is very quiet and good humored. He had trained for a few months in an aiki jujitsu style, so he knows how to fall and is very open to rolling. His native language is Spanish so our communication is technique and ukemi and body movements with a little language. I feel like I can hear him and he hears me through aikido.

We had a visitor from Japan from very traditional dojo who was in his 50's yet appeared much younger, he was so fit and trim. We had a great time training with him. He came to 3 classes and was very teachable and open. We were able to communicate with him mostly through aikido since we speak no Japanese. His English was wonderful but I could understand his Aikido better.

Last week we had another visitor from Eastern Massachusetts. She is from an Aikikai dojo. I look forward to seeing how communication occurs between us.

On another note, I just realized that communication with a long time student has ceased for me because I stopped listening intently and made assumptions based on past interactions. Aikido is so challenging. Even as I feel a bit discouraged over falling short again I am buoyed by the opportunity of becoming a better student and teacher each class.
Views: 3067 | Comments: 3

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "uke and nage speak different dialects of the"
#3 10-01-2012 02:19 PM
Diana Frese Says:
(continued) I hadn't practiced much in twenty years! And had acquired the need for glasses, which I had to remove as too encumbering. Somehow I managed to sense where the ukes and nages were and it was great how they adjusted to me, so that I, too, could have a good practice. Sounds like Ubuntu! thanks to you, also, Marium. Amazing now that we have transportation problems we are still connected to many aikido people!
#2 10-01-2012 02:13 PM
Diana Frese Says:
Thanks for letting me observe your dojo and the uke and nage interactions, even from afar, I can learn a lot. We haven't had the opportunity to travel yet, except one trip to my husband's family. So I am learning a lot through your writings! This post reminds me of winter 08-09 where I got on the mat of a local dojo I know at an early morning class, my hakama having long since shredded and not gotten a new one. I decided to practice anyway, and made it to two or three classes.
#1 10-01-2012 09:56 AM
cloudshapes Says:
..thanks for sharing your thoughts & experiences in uke-nage communication Mary...your entry seems to capture the ebb and flow of communication and reminds me of an African wisdom/paradigm: Ubuntu. It means, "I am because you are" and encompasses human union and interconnectedness as the wellness of one is within the wellness of another...your entry reminds of something I wrote not long ago...I'll try to dig it out for a post later...Peace and Light, Marium

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