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Kaizen Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-13-2007 12:56 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 29
Comments: 24
Views: 204,554

In General Aikido does *not* work (neither does kung fu) Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #28 New 02-28-2015 11:51 AM
With the title of this post, it would seem there isn't much else to say. But there seems to be a constant debate in the forums about this so apparently there really is quite a bit to discuss.

Let's start with a good question and this is a question you should ask anyone that might attack you:

Do you know Aikido (or Kung Fu)?

If your attacker responds that they do in fact know Aikido and Kung Fu, then you are good to go. Aikido will definitely work in these scenarios because your attacker is obviously trained in the correct way to attack you according to these styles, providing you with the ability to react to that specific attack.

If your attacker does not know Aikido or Kung fu but they are very skilled in Cardio Kick Boxing, then allow them to attack you. When they are through, enroll in a Cardio Kick Boxing class at your local fitness center.
Views: 6284 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Aikido does *not* work (neither does kung fu)"
#2 05-07-2008 02:59 PM
I guess thats that then. Everybody leave Aikido and King Fu for Cardio Kick Boxing. Which was founded by?
#1 05-01-2008 04:24 PM
I LOVE a GOOD laugh! Thanks!

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