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Kaabigang Dueg Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-11-2006 03:37 PM
The Virtuous Carabao
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 18 (Private: 1)
Comments: 48
Views: 245,299

In General Kaeshi waza and Henka Waza by Non-Resistance Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #14 New 10-12-2009 02:29 AM
At class last week I was working with a relatively new member.. he actually has been training with us since last year but his attendance has been sporadic at best. We were practicing tenchi-nage and he asked what happens if uke tries to resist the technique. I said instead we flow with the resistance and apply another technique and demonstrated flowing into uchi-kaiten sankyo.. He then asked how does one counter the tenchi nage and I answered that that it also involves non-resistance and again by flowing with his intended throw, I applied uchi kaiten sankyo. The cultivation of non-resistance is done through ukemi training, and I showed this to him by taking forward ukemi from his tenchi nage several times. He then tried resisting more vigorously against the technique, but each time I flowed into a counter, not resisting at all but following the force of his movement.. He then tried forcefully resisting the technique and I used the momentum he created to torque him into a particularly tight sankyo which had him wincing and clutching his arm in pain. He remarked that he had never before experienced that kind of pain from a technique. I said that the because Aikido is non-resistance, the stronger the resistance applied the more painful the technique becomes.
Views: 4020 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Kaeshi waza and Henka Waza by Non-Resistance"
#2 10-13-2009 02:08 PM
CitoMaramba Says:
Thanks, Linda. It was fun but I am of the opinion that it will be most beneficial if there is an understanding of the essential elements of basic technique. I think by practicing "non-resistance" an Aikidoka can best harness the energy of the partner be it in kihon, oyo, kaeshi or henka waza..
#1 10-12-2009 09:14 AM
Linda Eskin Says:
Neat. That kind of "what if I..." and "what if you..." exercise sounds like fun (except for the ouchy sankyo bit.), and valuable from both Uke's and Nage's perspectives.

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