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jxa127's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-09-2005 01:53 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 109
Comments: 18
Views: 210,720

In General Rolls and an upset stomach... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #78 New 11-11-2004 01:47 PM
... they don't go together well. For some reason (and I suspect the French onion dip from lunch), I had an upset stomach this past Tuesday. I tried to do the ukemi, but it just didn't work out. I ended up not taking much ukemi at all that class. I took the ukemi (gave the attack) to the point where my balance was fully taken and I was just about to be thrown, and then my partner would let up and we'd stop the technique.

Overall, the class felt pretty good (except for my tummy ache). After class, I worked with one of our (relatively) new white belts. He's about 10 years older than me, but in fantastic shape. He's also got a black belt in TKD. He biggest strugle has been adapting to the way we do things. We go out of our way to state that he's not doing things wrongly, just that he's not doing things the way we do them.

So I took him aside after class on Tueday and demonstrated how our empty hand attacks and weapons attacks are very closely related. He made one of those intuitve connections that comes after actually feeling something. I felt good helping him see and feel it.

Last Saturday, Richard and I taught the class becuase our instructor was at a hakamakai meeting (for black belts in our region). I focused on ikkyo in from standing, and suwari, waza. After that, Richard showed some paired jo exercises that were pretty interesting.

My shoulder continues to hurt and I really need to do my PT exercises.
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