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Last night... after a wonderful class that was both fun and informative, we were wrapping up class with an oyowaza technique that should not and was not all that hard: cross hand wrist grab.. nage blends to the inside raising the uke's arm up, takes a small step through, pivot and cut down. We've done this before, I'm sure.
I had been slapping out all night and that was working fine for me. For whatever reason, I thought, "HEY! I'll ROLL outta this one! or wait... maybe not, but I could! but nah... but then again..." CRASH !!!!
I've had some hard falls before, but this was by far my dumbest. Landed right on my left shoulder, heard a nice, juicy crunching noise and layed there like a dead duck. In between the laughter and finger pointing, I called out for sensei to come check me. Luckily nothing was broken but my GOD did it hurt!
X-ray's indicated I just jammed it all nice and tight. As I sit here, I've got a cold pack on my shoulder. It is considerably better today, though I won't be on the mat for a while. Truly, I am greatful for having Sensei Riggs as my instructor as he is a chiropractor and can coddle me tell me it's all gonna be okay.
Lessone to be learned: Do not Q & A (question and answer repeatedly) yourself on the mat! Either do it or don't, but don't try to figure out your plan of attack in the middle of a roll! *sigh*
Funny thing though, just that night before class I was telling Leslie what a struggle it was getting to class. I had had a pissy day and wasn't really in the mood to go. I was laughing at her as I explained how wierd it felt to NOT want to do something that I DID want to do.
Ever feel like that before? I do... and often.
Leslie told me I've been looking tired lately. I put in a lot of hours at work, and around the house. Seems we're always doing something aside from getting proper rest. Whenever I DO get rest, I feel guilty like I should be taking care of work or something around the house! Guess somewhere in all that, I forgot to take care of myself as well. I told Leslie that I was always so tired... all the time, it has become difficult to tell when I am tired or NOT. Everything just runs together it seems.
Anyhow, I guess I'll take this time to work on things that I can do:
*) Study videos on weapons techniques and various Shihan, learn what they have to show.
*) Watch classes and keep aikido on "the brain"
*) Sand and oil my weapons. They need it after the work we've been doing lately.
*) Copy some seminar tapes that I've been putting off due to the holidays, etc. Hope they come out better than I suspect.
*) Get some rest! I am tired... especially today. Going to bed at a decent hour my be a pleasent change of pace.
Anyhow: play safe, have fun and remember... make up your mind BEFORE you do whatever it is your gonna do. It helps. You know how instructors will tell you,"Whenever you move, take your feet/arms/etc. with you." Well, add to the list there: Mind !!!