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John Boswell's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-26-2005 11:02 AM
John Boswell
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 87
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In General Knees going... going... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #67 New 11-10-2005 11:41 AM

My knees suck so bad ("How bad are they?" ) They are so bad, I dunno what the hell I'm gonna do on my test when it comes time to koshi.

Last nights class was practice for testing. Me up first: Koshi's are where I need the help and squating to get under uke is the hardest for me. Thankfully, Lan showed me a couple techniques where I more or less thorw the uke over my hip without nessecarily squating down to do it. Ryokatatedori Koshi (from a Tenchi type set up) and Shomenuchi Koshi (off of an iriminage set up.)

Right now, and as I think about it, I'll be working on some leg strengthening exercises, but I test in a week. Everything else I feel I can do. I'll get tired, but I'll manage somehow. But the knees... that's gonna suck.

Madrid is coming along on his 5th kyu test. He's still questioning himself, but I think we're breaking him of the habit... slowly but surely.

Lan is a good teacher on the mat. He really is in his element up there. It is obvious to see from his understanding of the technique that he has been involved in the martial arts for years and years. Fenching, SCA, Aikido... he's a fighter's teacher. He has a strong affinity for the art and that makes you enjoy it all the more. Good stuff!

Brandon! My gosh! That boy is getting good! He's got a love for aikido and a real desire to do as much as he can! His ukemi is very good, works on high falls every chance he gets, wore a hakama last night and didn't want to take it off or end class. I have a feeling he's gonna be a "Lifer" in aikido.

Good class! Not looking forward to the test, but I am looking forward to putting it behind me.
Views: 2181 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Knees going... going..."
#1 11-10-2005 02:19 PM
Lan Powers Says:
OSU!! You'll do splendid. (I will enjoy being your uke if I get to.) Just remember to breathe deeply in rythm with your motions...it's not so tiring that way if you aren't so out of breath.

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