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John Boswell's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-26-2005 11:02 AM
John Boswell
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 87
Comments: 41
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  #33 New 04-29-2005 11:06 AM
Thursday's class was good. Lots of HIP Action! Woo hoo!

We worked on 3 or 4 different techniques, but the funny thing about it was the nage used the same footwork pattern and hip motion for each.

Yokomenuchi Sumi Otoshi (corner drop). Emphasis was placed on capturing the uke's arm and really locking in on the uke's center. When you do, you plant the uke's forward foot causing them to spin around and back, setting them up for a fall.

Tsuki Kotegaishi: same hip movement off the tenshin footwork. Really need to put the hip in there, then there is a hand change-up, lift the arm in front of uke as you step one step across them, turn tenkai and throw. Really need to work on that hand change.

We did a lot of variations, but the footwork and hip motion was what was important.

Ended the class with some jo work. This was really good. I got "in the zone" with the jo work this time. Last night was the first time I ever FELT like what I was doing was what was expected of me. I remember watching Kato Sensei at the seminar do his jo work. He was so fluid and easy going... that is how it felt like last night. Really looking forward to some time to work in the backyard on my jo work. Hope I can this weekend!

AND, above and beyond everything else: I managed to make class every night this week! I haven't done that in MONTHS! Very proud of that. I needed to do it, too.
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