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JMing's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-11-2006 02:19 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 6
Views: 16,545

In General Don't know what to do... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 11-04-2006 10:01 PM
Well, so I've settle down, studied for midterms and got to know more about my location. I've checked websites and phone books and yes there is an aikido (ASU style) within ~5miles from my resident and school. However, the fee is nothing I really want to put forth. I can afford it, yes, but it's too much. I am sure the quality of training is swell, but for that price, I don't know what to do. I am only a student.

I am in a dilemma. Should I look elsewhere for a different style, there is a hapkido/taekwondo place near by (don't know the fee) and I was originally from taekwondo or should I go get a membership from the near by gym (pretty cheap) or splurge on and continue my aikido training...I do want to continue, since my school no longer has an aikido club or tai chi club *sigh*...

I will have to think about this for awhile.

Views: 2262 | Comments: 3

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "Don't know what to do..."
#3 01-11-2007 09:28 PM
JMing Says:
To tell you the truth, I think I came to Washington the wrong time. There is one close hapkido/tkd place near by, but I think it is undergoing renovations. So, lately I haven't been doing much, I will probably decide to join a regular gym since there is a student price, and it's very close too. Sorry for the long delay between post. I will keep my hopes up that something will come along! -David
#2 12-22-2006 04:28 PM
jducusin Says:
Hey man --- so what happened? Did you ever decide which to go for? If I don't hear from you beforehand, have a happy holiday! --- Jamie
#1 11-18-2006 08:11 PM
jducusin Says:
Hey, Dave. Sorry to hear about your dilemma...ultimately, you have to do what you have to do, Aikido or not. If you haven't already done so, you could try looking for places that teach Wing Chun or Systema --- both are related to Aikido in the "blending" and circular sense...even Tai Chi or Chi Gung would be great for developing Ki and learning how to root properly. Doing a martial art is better than doing nothing at all, especially when you love to do it. Ultimately, though, the choice is yours --- it's your time and money, after all --- go with what you would feel you'd enjoy the most and what would be most valuable to you. Keep us posted on whatever you decide --- good luck! Jamie

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