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Jeff Hepner's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 11-11-2004 07:05 AM
Jeff Hepner
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 32 (Private: 1)
Comments: 2
Views: 73,034

In General Footsi-Waza Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #10 New 08-30-2004 01:03 PM
Aiki-Log -- Class #8
Thursday, August 26, 2004 -- 7:30pm

Today's class focused on getting our feet in the right place so we could use our hands correctly.

After warm-ups (my get-upsi-waza is still too slow) we did some basic bokken strikes with 45-degree pivots. Then to tie it together we did empty-handed 45-degree pivots. Lots and lots of fast and furious pivots. On both the right and left side:

Shuffle step forward, pivot, no block, pivot back, shuffle back

Cross-step forward, pivot, no block, pivot back, cross-step back

Shuffle step forward, pivot, leading hand block, pivot back, shuffle step back

Cross-step forward, pivot, leading hand block, pivot back, cross-step back

Shuffle step forward, pivot, trailing hand block, pivot back, shuffle back

Cross-step forward, pivot, trailing hand block, pivot back, shuffle back

Sensei had us do 10 of each, very, very quickly, and then had us do 1 of each in rapid succession. His stated goal was to get us so confused that we couldn't think about where our hands and feet were. He just wanted our bodies to do the thinking for us. It worked!

Then Sensei started us on a series of techniques that required leading or trailing hand blocks with 45-degree pivots. Once again, "don't think, just do" was the goal. I was so pleased with the results that I mentioned it to Sensei after class. He said that he had actually structured the class specifically with me in mind! He very seriously said that he wanted to get the points across in such a way that it would speak to the way I think. I said "message received".


1. I like my Sensei!
2. I plan on adding Footsi-Waza to my at-home practice routine.

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