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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 05:38 PM
Devon Natario
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Status: Public
Entries: 85
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In General Todays Ground Game Class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #73 New 12-30-2005 01:45 PM
Today was a very good day for Ryan. He was able to learn a lot. I think he is starting to get out of "vulnerable baby" mode and into crawling. We are now at the first step of progression in his ground game.

Here are the things we covered.

We workedon the two different positions to be in if you are "in" someone's guard.
1) You want to keep your hands in good position, one on chest, one on hip and you want to posture up. Do not look down at your opponent with your head, look with eyes only. Why? Because I said- and because if you look down with your head you are ruining your position which leaves you open for things.
2) We went over the down position. Elbows close to the hips and forearms on the outside of the body, head on the chest for control, and knees forward trying to pinch the knees and elbows together. Not the best of the two, but not bad if they are taking you down.

If you are the person with the guard you want to post up grab their neck, and pull them down to you. If they are away, this leaves you with no submissions.

We also worked on a few passes to the guard.
1) Elbow in the pressure point, then pull the leg over the head and into side control
* Defense to this is to pull them down to you so they can not do it, or to transition into spider guard like we talked about. Grab sleeves and transition into spider and stand up.
2) Reach behind your back to get the leg and pull over head. Remember to hip out when you bring it over or you will get caught in arm bar.
* Defense is to obviously grab them and pull them to the same side their reaching back with. Once they are down you have Kimura or Oma Plata (the fancy one we worked on).
3) Knee in butt and post out the leg or go 45' with other knee and then open the guard.
* Defense is to move on the opposite side that the leg is up. Move and create enough space to grab spider guard.

Spider Guard:
We worked on the spider guard and where the legs have to be placed in order to have a good spider guard. Remember we can work on hips, forearms, and legs in order to create space and get up... or you can sweep them. If they are good at the defense, better just to get up and be neutral.

We worked on passing the spider guard too.
1) You grab their Gi where the knees are and push to the ground, push everything to the right and try for their back and rear naked choke. You have to block them from turning both ways. Block with left hand, come in, get underhook and push left arm through their neck, once there take your time and create a good choke. You could also get side control or knee on stomach too. Either way works and is better in a fight and in competition.
2) You grab knees and then get rid of grips. You have to sometimes fight their grips and then grab their ankles. Fake one way and throw their legs to one side and pass and get to knee on stomach. Great move!! This one is the easiest for me, but all work.

Ryan had questions about the mount and what he could do from there.
I showed him the arm bar, the triangle, the single lapel choke, the double lapel choke, the forearm chokes, key lock, kimura and the straight arm bar crush.

I also showed him one way to get out of the half-guard from the top. I attempted to show him a fancy one that I learned the other day in class, but for some reason I could not do it. No worries. Sometimes even I forget things. :P

We ended with some "live" action at the end. He's getting a lot better. Like I said above, he is crawling now. I can't wait until he can run.

The bad thing about one on one teaching is that people get used to "my" way and they learn how to capitilize on my weaknesses. It's better to have a bunch of people or even a few that are totoally different so that a person develops their game, not just a way of beating me. I am glad that I am learning still, otherwise I would not change, making it even easier for them

Hopefully, I can learn as fast as I teach, so that they will not be able to exploit me too soon. Everyone that I have taught ends up beating me by the time they are green belts. It is the nature of this ground game. You learn your opponents weakness and then exploit. They get better because you've found a weakness, and then you find a new one etc etc. This goes back and forth which makes the learning process good, but when you have 25 people going at it, you learn to find those weaknesses during a match which makes you even better.

Hopefully we can get more multiple student classes in the future. I cant wait to open up a dojo.

Something happened today that I thought was funny too. Ryan says, "I am going to tackle you."

I didn't really think much of it and I thought he was being sarcastic, but low and behold he comes at me trying to tackle me. Luckily I reacted or I would have looked like a moron. hahaha Thanks for the laugh Ryan.

He also gave me some more CDs by Elder Brian on the Amazing Facts seminars. I'm not sure if any of you have heard this guy, but man I tell you what- he has inspired me to see with a clear and open mind and research things more in depth on my own.

I know Ryan had once made a comment to me about money and this martial arts. Ryan you have helped me become closer to God, what better thing is there than that. It is I that owe you. Gods gift lasts forever, mine only a short time on this Earth. Thanks again.

I am out of here. I need to work out, shower, and get ready for Hades -- oops I mean work.

See yah

Edit: I did chest, biscepts, and stomach
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