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ikkainogakusei's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-12-2003 09:07 PM
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Status: Public
Entries: 17
Comments: 33
Views: 53,276

In General Conflict Resolution Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #12 New 01-04-2004 01:11 PM
I once received a business card belonging to a martial arts instructor which read (among other things) ‘conflict resolution' and I thought it was humorous in an ironic sort of way. This has gotten me thinking though; do we as individuals, I mean those of us who choose a path training in the martial arts, choose it because of a possible need to resolve conflict? Whether it is real physical conflict, psychological conflict, or emotional conflict, or some sort of irresolvable spiritual conflict; is there a need to resolve? I think it is in me. I think I dislike conflict. I think it is normal for all people to dislike conflict, but there is so much superfluous conflict, I mean there is so much bunk that is needlessly created in life.

So what I wonder is that there are reasons that firefighters and police officers and lawyers and counselors become who they are. There is a psychological root to why we choose our path. Is it that we are in great need for control, do we want to express ourselves through cruel acts, or are we attempting to resolve conflict? Many of us didn't choose baseball, dancing, drumming, swimming, diving, or sailing. We chose a martial art.

So if it -=is=- conflict resolution; could there also be an underlying want/need to create or perpetuate conflict in order to have the psychological satisfaction of ‘winning' or resolving the conflict? Could we be unconsciously seeking the neurotransmitter reward by finding ways to manifest then resolve conflict?
Views: 2258 | Comments: 4

RSS Feed 4 Responses to "Conflict Resolution"
#4 02-24-2004 11:55 PM
Kelly Allen Says:
Hi Jane! My wife said there are a few possible clinical names for this poor behavior. It really depends on the motives of the individule. BUT! She said more often than not it is a borderline personality disorder that is the cause (this is extreme behaviour we are refering to) and are often accompanied by other disorders or issues that the individual has. Not very spacific to be sure, but I guess psycology and psyciatry is not an exact science. Kelly
#3 01-09-2004 12:30 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
My wife has recently told me that she has been reading your journal entries. She likes your writing style and train of thought. Maybe she will log on and tell you herself. If not I'll try and remember to ask her. Kelly
#2 01-07-2004 01:59 AM
Hi Kelly I think I understand what you're saying, and I don't believe that what I said is an absolute, just a ponderance more than anything. Other reasons I have seen are control, cruelty (sadly, and only in rare instances), but there are still more. My nerdy brain wants to know what those reasons are. I'm curious too what your wife would call (clinically) this motiv. Thanks for the feedback.
#1 01-06-2004 11:34 PM
Kelly Allen Says:
Quote "So if it -=is=- conflict resolution; could there also be an underlying want/need to create or perpetuate conflict in order to have the psychological satisfaction of ‘winning' or resolving the conflict? Could we be unconsciously seeking the neurotransmitter reward by finding ways to manifest then resolve conflict?" Unquote I don't think everyone is like that, but there is certainly no shortage of people who are like that, and the martial arts community seems to have the lions share of them. I think. I beleive the reasons you have made for this behaviour very plausible. I'm sure there is a pshycological clinical name for it, but I'm not sure what it is. That's my wifes forte'. Kelly

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