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Guy's Aikido Journal Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-27-2005 12:33 AM
This is a journal of Guys Aiki path
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Entries: 217
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In General Tripple class day! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #122 New 10-06-2004 10:32 AM
Wow a triple class day of Aikido!
Morning class worked on Tski Kote Gaeshi, Shoman uchi Kote Gaeshi. After class worked on Morote KoKyu ho with Anna, Noel, and Candice. I think that I got a little smoother at it. I also worked on Sankyo with Candice. It was a good after class mat secession. We did accomplish a lot. Candice was making noises about my testing again in the next test secession. I don't know that I will have the requisite number of training days. It was good to hear her say it though.

Basics class, worked with a variety of people on Tski Kote Gaeshi. Some beginners and some sempies, it was a really crowded mat, and some care was needed to make sure that everyone remained safe. Strangely in a few situations I was the most senior of the four people who could bump into each other and had to be the one that was most aware of the situation. It went well, and I worked on being present during Ukemi and focusing on the Nage and their intensions and energy.

Second evening Class. M has decided that she is going to join the cult :-) and has signed up and gotten a set of white pajamas. She got on the mat for the second secession tonight. I worked with her for the beginning of the class, and we did some Gykute Dori Ikkyo. Sensei came by and said that I was doing Ikkyo with Melissa very well. The technique was good, and my slow and gentleness were wonderful. WOW! I quipped back that I knew that I had to sleep sometime, and he laughed.

Hey wow! I got to be the crash test dummy for the entire class! Noel was the demonstrator, as Sensei has hurt his knee, and I was his Uke. I hope that it looked good, I was really focused on it. We did Kote Gaeshi from Tski and Shoman Uchi. It sure was a lot of work being the crash test dummy. The whole evening was a ton of work, and a good workout. We did some frestyle randadori (Sp?) at the end of class with the rule that it had to end in Kote Gaeshi. It was a lot of fun, and I was amazed at some of the techniques that came out when I was doing it. I think that my body is slowly learning more Aikido Vocabulary. It was very satisfying to see that I had an idea somewhere that translated into a technique in a moment.

Worked a little after class with Don and Noel on Ushiro Kate Dori, which was a lot of fun. Watching Noel take some spectacular falls with Don was fun too.
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