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Guy's Aikido Journal Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-27-2005 01:33 AM
This is a journal of Guys Aiki path
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Status: Public
Entries: 217
Comments: 33
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In General Thursday back to a more normal schedule. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #185 New 04-29-2005 11:19 AM
Morning class:
Open training. Worked on Kaiten Nage the whole time, first with Luke and then with Nikki. I learned a lot, and have more of the basics of this down if I can only remember them. Extend the Uke's arm!!! All this time I thought I was working on extending me!!! Make the cut in toward the head real it is an Atemi, like you were going to throw them in Kokyu Ho.

Worked with Rick for a long time after class on tanto take away techniques, then spent a longer time even talking with Sensei about life. What an amazing man! So kind and helpful.

Evening class:
Hanmi Handachi (How in the heck do you spell some of this stuff anyway? :-))
Noel Amherd taught class tonight, it was a lot of fun. We worked on shoman uchi; Irimi Nage, Kaiten Nage, Kote Gaeshi. It was fun. Melissa worked on some of the Hanmi Handachi stuff too, and got a kick out of it once she got over strangeness of the idea.

We then worked with partners on open training. I worked with Melissa on this too, as she wanted to train with me tonight and work on some of the stuff that she has on her next test. It was good, and I think that she made some progress on shoman uchi ikkyo.

We then did some rolling practice, the beginners just rolling and the rest of us doing rolls when thrown from kaiten nage, and whatever you call that thing you use in ran dori when you get under one arm and cut down on the other elbow…. :-)

A good Aikido day.
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