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Guy's Aikido Journal Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-27-2005 01:33 AM
This is a journal of Guys Aiki path
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Entries: 217
Comments: 33
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In General Brion and Sankyo Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #183 New 04-16-2005 10:57 AM
Brion was in all of the classes today with us. I was able to train with him some. Not quite like last time when I kept him all to myself. We had a lot of fun at the Dojo, and he stated that he really liked training with Sensei.

We worked on Sankyo all day. Morning class lessons that I received. (Not necessarily what was taught, there was probably a lot more!) Line up writ, elbow, shoulder. Keep the Uke at the end of his arm so that you don't get an elbow in the face, keep your hands low near your center. Turn the Uke down by making a U with your thumb go from thumb up to thumb down, don't pull on the uke, don't try and push them with their arm, as this will loose the sankyo connection. You are the center of Sankyo as Nage. Lock up the Uke and rotate around the vertical axis of your body. Spiral in on the omote pin and use your whole center and body not just your hands.
Basics class we worked on hand position, and little details in applying Sankyo. It was fun working on it slow and methodical.

Second evening Aikido Sankyo as in the morning class, then opposite hand sankyo (From Shoman, the Uke attacks, rather than catch the striking hand, you catch the opposite hand while moving in. You duck under their arm and voila sankyo!!!).

Spent most of the last two days talking about Aikido, boats, and rigging with Brion, a lot of fun!!!
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