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fatebass21's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-07-2005 09:09 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 33
Comments: 9
Views: 197,884

In Training Return Next Week Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #32 New 02-06-2017 08:51 AM
After several weeks of preparation I am ready to return to the dojo next week to resume my training. Basically starting from square one after many years away. One of the biggest regrets in my life but feeling excited and anxious to make Aikido part of my life again.

My right hamstring is still aggravated and I cannot tell whether it is injury or nerve related. Must be injury as the pain is localized ether at it's origin at the inferior hip or at it's insertion behind the knee. Never pain in both places as it switches off. I have been doing daily aiki tai so, qi gong (thanks for the recommendation Lynn), and stretching post warm up. Some range of motion has returned but the pain itself is still there.

Ran the Surf City 1/2 Marathon yesterday and did decent in spite of no training per se. This was not part of my prep training and was something I had scheduled several months out. Was able to do warm up this morning so, hey, I guess I still got some push and drive going. Funny how those wonderful endorphins from even light exercise make you feel great even if you are extremely sore and limping around the day after a race.

Plan is to take a few recovery days this week and then return for perhaps 2 days per week so as not to over do it like last time which caused a groin pull from lack of rest. Wish I wasn't so injury prone but that is not the case. Hopefully my preparation and then consistent study will reduce that likelihood.

Until next time.
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