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fatebass21's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-07-2005 09:09 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 33
Comments: 9
Views: 176,890

In General I was looking forward to... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 12-22-2004 12:49 PM
I was looking forward to getting to use a little knife work with a technique! Finally, today I got to do it. My interest in knife work had been on a steady rise, and now I realize that it is something else that I will most likely end up studying. We knife work in a sankyo technique in class today. Its funny how using a knife in a technique makes you more aware of what you are doing with the entire technique in itself. Now, whenever there is no knife involved I still imagine one, which helps me apply the technique in a better and quicker way. Lynn if your reading this, THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP IN CLASS TODAY!

Sensei's birthday is coming up, and I am really looking forward to our New Years Day seminar and the Aiki Demo 2005, seeing as that will be close. Cal State Dominquez Hills here we come! I wonder if Andy can hook me up with a parking pass at the school, or let me borrow his. lol!
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