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fatebass21's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-07-2005 09:09 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 33
Comments: 9
Views: 202,938

In Training Upwards and Onwards Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #33 New 03-03-2017 08:03 AM
So I have been back to training for two weeks. That said, it has only been for two classes and the goal is to continue a weekly class for a few weeks, add a second, and perhaps ramp up to three classes per week. With my daughter coming within the next three weeks (and having a 1.5 year old already) I am sure that my wife will need my assistance at home for a few months; so steady as she goes with class frequency for a bit. Important thing is to continue, supplement with daily workouts at home, and to prevent my previous groin injury from recurring.

It is still there...I can feel it. It is deep in my core on the right side and after the first class it felt very irritated. Stayed that way and prevented me rolling on my right during the second class. Important thing though is that class, senior instructors, and Sensei are all about helping me to modify training for now. That said, my goal is to add a little more each week. For example during the first class I did mae ukemi on right and left side (about 5 on each side) well after the warm ups and after having already taken some basic ukemi (falls with collapsed leg backward) during a refresher of the basic kyu 6 techniques. Second class I jumped in line for alternating rolls across the dojo, but could only manage on the left side (my left is very strong) but was not able to roll (or to scared to because of the thought of impending muscle pull) on the right.

I think many take mae ukemi for granted but they shouldn't as fo ...More Read More
Views: 3100

In Training Return Next Week Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #32 New 02-06-2017 08:51 AM
After several weeks of preparation I am ready to return to the dojo next week to resume my training. Basically starting from square one after many years away. One of the biggest regrets in my life but feeling excited and anxious to make Aikido part of my life again.

My right hamstring is still aggravated and I cannot tell whether it is injury or nerve related. Must be injury as the pain is localized ether at it's origin at the inferior hip or at it's insertion behind the knee. Never pain in both places as it switches off. I have been doing daily aiki tai so, qi gong (thanks for the recommendation Lynn), and stretching post warm up. Some range of motion has returned but the pain itself is still there.

Ran the Surf City 1/2 Marathon yesterday and did decent in spite of no training per se. This was not part of my prep training and was something I had scheduled several months out. Was able to do warm up this morning so, hey, I guess I still got some push and drive going. Funny how those wonderful endorphins from even light exercise make you feel great even if you are extremely sore and limping around the day after a race.

Plan is to take a few recovery days this week and then return for perhaps 2 days per week so as not to over do it like last time which caused a groin pull from lack of rest. Wish I wasn't so injury prone but that is not the case. Hopefully my preparation and then consistent study will reduce that likelihood.

Until next time.
Views: 2661

In Training Preparation and Progress Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #31 New 01-20-2017 09:31 AM
I have been continuing my daily Aiki taiso, stretching, and (recently included) Qi Gong morning sessions at home in preparation for a return to training in February. Going from a completely sedentary 10 months (no excuses for this so I resist the urge to make them here) to an immediate return to training would only cause reinjury to either my groin, hamstring, or right knee...so any and all prep work I can lay down now will only enhance my training now. Additionally, I am about 15-20 lbs heavier than before. Gotta get the weight down.

As far as range of motion and lower back discomfort in addition to the snapping hip everything feels a bit stronger from doing consistent Aiki taiso. I may even consider pushing the return to the dojo back in additional two weeks to continue preparing.

Started a new job two weeks ago corporate job sitting at a desk all day but they're very progressive and they encourage the 2020 20 rule getting up and stretching every 20 minutes and walking every 20 minutes . So I do a lot of stretching at work and whatever else I can in my office without looking like a complete crazy person.

Progress is good on words and upwards will touch base again here in the next two weeks
Views: 2709

In Spiritual Return for Zen Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #30 New 12-31-2016 09:16 AM
Wow, another two years 'off the mat'. Never returned to the dojo following the groin injury I sustained in late 2014. I don't believe that taking some time to heal and go to physical therapy was a problem but life took hold and I stayed away. That said, I did continue my basic warmup exercises and deep breathing at home.

Made the decision to return and even stopped by the dojo last night with my wife (Rita) and 15 month old son (Christian). We visited with Sensei which was great and he was excited to have me back and extended an invite to the New Years Day seminar to us.

The plan of action right now is to prep at home for at least 3 weeks with daily stretching and exercise to prevent lower back, hip, groin injuries if possible. I don't doubt that this will be a recurring problem over time but I will not take a break from the dojo the next time and will simply scale back my training until I can ramp it up again. This way I can use classes/sessions as rehab for the injuries while still studying.

Sensei says that Christian can begin studies at 6 years old although I hope he can start when he is 5. Cant wait until this is something that we can share together if he takes interest in it enough to want to continue after Rita and I introduce him to it.

Until next time...
Views: 2533

In Training Sidelined, My Goals for the New Year - A Poem Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #29 New 01-01-2015 09:50 AM
At the dojo Monday night,
we were warming up to get it right.
First ukemi, I went to roll,
no questions asked, insane groin pull.

I stood right up, my face without cheer
a new injury two days before the New Year.
I was disappointed and shocked,
would I be mocked?

Everyone knows I am injury prone,
even so, I hate stretching on the mat alone.
Over comes the head Yondan,
he agrees its best to rest, not carry on.

What happens next made me realize,
that everything would be ok as always, not to my surprise.
All aikidoka, one by one,
came to make sure I was ok after the warm up was done.

Use ice! Use heat!
I had this injury myself, its not something you can't beat!
You'll be on the mat again in no time you will see!
Here, let me give you the info for this chiropractor and this PT!

Everyone wanted to help and advise,
and why should this surprise?
This is the foundation of Aikido,
so, Kohai, arise!

The very next day I decided to see,
an International Taekwondo Champ turned DPT.
If any therapist could relate to the martial arts side of me,
well...certainly it would be he.

He said, Why do you need physical therapy? What are your goals?
I reply, To be a good student, to be on the mat, and painlessly roll.
We began immediately and now I can say,
I found what I will cross-train in for 2015 each and every day.

Future injuries get in line, I am not leaving the mat.
I am sidelined, but only for a time.

Views: 23695 | Comments: 2

In Training Two Weeks Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #28 New 12-20-2014 12:36 PM
My return to the dojo after an 8 year leave of absence started 2 weeks and 8 training sessions ago. Feels like it has been much longer than that already. I feel incredible both mentally and physically, but being gone for so long will be a lifelong regret for the main reason that Sensei is visibly struggling with his physical participation in class. He is 80 years old at this point and can no longer do what he could when I initially began my aikido journey 10 years ago. It is my goal to get as much one-on-one with him as possible going forward.

That said, everything is coming back to me to the point that it feels as though I never left. Muscle memory is an incredible thing as rolling, breakfalling, and shikko are back in full force. My scoliosis is not acting up (yet), but I remain conscious to take 5 and stretch about 15 minutes before class ends otherwise chances are I will not do so before getting in the car or when I get home. I have been taking some NSAIDs before class but perhaps I should take them after so that I do not ignore pain and overdue it. Had been thinking about training in a second art on the side, but I think I will stick to cross-training in the form of running and general cardio right now.

When I first returned both Sensei and a Yondan asked me what level I left off at before which in our system is 6th kyu (orange belt). He stated that Sensei would probably want me to come back at the same level. Originally, I was not going to say anything and just ...More Read More
Views: 14083 | Comments: 2

In Training Hi Blog I Am Back! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #27 New 12-12-2014 09:28 PM
I am back to training after an 8 year hiatus.

First week back and I logged 4 days of training. Talk about a welcome back.....the soreness is here, but I am very satisfied. School is done and I live less than a mile away from the new dojo location.

What amazed me the most is the fact that I went right into all of my ukemi as if I never left. I guess I really did commit a lot of this stuff to muscle memory in the two years of training before.

It is such a good feeling to be back....
Views: 1801

In Training Overcoming Injury/Condition Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #26 New 08-13-2007 05:50 PM
It is becoming quite common that I only post an entry in this journal 2-3 times a year now. I swear this last break was not my fault this time. I have taken two years to come to the realization that I MUST return to my Aikido studies. I have mentioned sufferring from back pain on here before, and still trying to overcome to return to Aikido.

Turns out, after getting some x-ray work done, that I have stage 3 (advanced) scoliosis ranging from my lower lumbar to upper thoracic spine. My lumbar spine has a 17 degree curvature (spaning 5-6 vertebrae) and my thoracic spine has a 24 degree compensatory curve (spaning 2-3 vertebrae). I am in pain everyday, but when I excersice, it subsides. Doctors told me that it is ideopathic, and has probably been developing for my whole life as a result of my left leg being 2mm shorter than my right. So, my spine is shaped like an S. How can this happen???? I am only 23 years old!!!! I have played sports for my entire life (baseball, basketball, soccer, etc.), and now my doctor is telling me that I should not even jog or run. Apparently I can only do activities that are non-impact, or it could progress the curves further.


What if.................

Over the past few months I have concentrated on staying stretched out and doing various strenthening excercises for my spine. What if.....I modify my Aikido training when I return, and remain conscious at all times of things I shouldn't do while there. I ...More Read More
Views: 3467 | Comments: 1

In General Hello Journal Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #25 New 12-04-2006 01:04 AM
Today I was late to work (2 hrs) because not only was there a book signing at the dojo for my Sensei's book, but a weapons demo!! Who wants to miss that!? Not me.
Anyhow, my back issue is still present, but I will be getting back to training non-the-less. I plan on being back at the dojo full-time (2-3 classes...full-time for me) on Janruary 1, which is the date of the New Years seminar. I will need to get two prep classes in between then and now. I have been away from the dojo for 8 months now. I also found out today that there are many students of aikido that study regardless of injury (specifically back). I think the stretching and rolling will relieve some tension.
Views: 2046

In General Back Again Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #24 New 04-19-2006 12:30 PM
I swore before that I would not take breaks from training. Well....Monday night I went to class after 9 long months of no training. I have not felt this good in months. Partly, the reason it took me so long to get back was because of a lower back strain/injury which has improved. I think attending class the other night has actually helped stretch my back out. Love this stuff.
Views: 1834

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