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Wow, how times really flies. I went to Mexico for about 3 weeks. What a trip. I never realized how beautiful Mexico is. I went to 20 different cities from North to South and from East Coast to Wes Coast. Most cities I went to had an Aikido dojo, and I tried my hardest to visit, but just couldn't find the time. I was working from 6:00 am to 12:00 am everyday.
I did get to meet a man that had done Aikido for a very long time, so we just sat and talked. It was a wonderful talk, especially his stories about how he had had to use Aikido in many real life situations.
Getting back to the dojo, and starting to train harder than ever. I'm so impressed with the level that Don, Mike, Rafael, Vinny and Hector have pushed the students to. Mike told me that everyone would be black belt level by the time I got back, and he wasn't kidding.