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Ok ... so tuesday I graded .....
But before I start ion that let me just set the scene for u ....
I worked monday night ... got in to the house ... (checked aikiweb naturally) ... then went up to my pit ..... settled down for a long kip .... only to have next door have builders in ..... DRILLING through my walls ... I could have screamed!
so I arrive at Dojo ... 30 mins early .... after having a total of 2 hours sleep!!!! (wow I felt so prepared for it!)
people came .... the dojo looked nice ... and Im sat on floor fighting urge to doze off .... battling myself back upright after the bow ......
.... so the grading ... I go up and Uke for Greg ( a junior) .. he does brilliantlty ... and Im stood (well lying being pinned) thinking ... "hey ... im not nervous at all!"
untill its my turn!
then I go up with my Uke (Kylie) .... and bow before sensei ... have a shot of Saki ..... (which was absolutly VILE!!!!)
turn and bow at my Uke .... only to discover ... I cant remember a DAMNED thing!!!!
not a jot ....
shihonage to start with and I find my feet .,..... I run through the next few ok ... then forget what Tenchinage is .... and have to restart ....
slowly working down the list ... and Kylie is making all my moves look suberb!!! (cheers mate!!!!)
im trying to pin a guy with shaking hands!!!!! (not an easy feat!!)
well the grading goes ok ... and i settle to watch the others ... all of which do fab job ... and Im calming down nicely ....
as it turns out .... I PASSED!!!!!
whoooooo hoooooo
so Im now one step closer to the Pink Hakama ....
Yes Sensei It WILL happen!!!
(no jokes about how my trousers stayed up before please!!!)
so all in all not a bad day!!!
Then a PAAAAARTAAAY at Sensei's .... amongst his BIIIIG dogs ...
lol .... not surprising i left a little early .... with a raging headache!!
But HEY good fun was had by all .... or so Im lead to believe ....
I am a little concearned ... as I was leaving .... sensei said ... "Thats it now .... we can do some REALLY fun stuff ....."
Man In Black Skirt ..... NOW you frighten me!!!!!
em x