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DmG's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-09-2006 07:45 AM
A New Aikido Journey...opening a new dojo
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 5
Views: 14,702

In General The Photographer Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 05-17-2006 07:21 AM
So, we have just started our third week in our new dojo, and we are still puttering around doing the little things that didn't get done before the first class: trimming the windows, adding extra sitting space (I guess it is a good thing that we are getting some visitors, and they need a place to sit...), extra lights.....the final touches.

And still, every time I walk in, I'm ever so grateful - again - to have the friends and training colleagues that helped make the space possible.

Last Friday, I had this bright idea. Why not write a press release and send it to the local paper. I'm not a PR person....but there are plenty enough examples of press releases on-line. And who to send it to? I had no idea, so I emailed it to the editor at three local papers.

On Monday, I had a call from one of the papers. They wanted to send a photographer to take pictures during class! (wow...as in aikido, when you try something that you are not sure is going to work, and then it works....what a heady feeling!).

So, a few minutes before class, this crusty, older guy wearing a press badge walks in. He was impressed with the space ("wow, you really have something exciting going on here")....I think he saw it when it was the old band rehersal room that hadn't been cleaned since the day the place was built....

He told me he was only going to stay for a few minutes, so I hurried through the warmups (much to my demise later...I'm old...I need stretches!). But then, he really got into it! He was laying on the mat, taking pictures from all angles....he seemed to be having the time of his life. Before he left, I told him he could put his camera down and join us....he laughed, but didn't take me up on my offer!

Anyway, we are going to get a write up in the new business section...hopefully with pictures (I'd love to see all the pix he took!)...and maybe we'll bring in a few more ukes...er...students....

Views: 1790 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "The Photographer"
#1 05-18-2006 02:50 PM
Leslie Leoni Says:
Sounds like you have been working very hard! Congratulations on your new "home"! I hope you have many new students and keep all of the current! Please put the papers name in a blog when it's published, I would love to see the pictures on the web.

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