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Derek Wilkinson's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2005 08:32 PM
Derek Wilkinson
class descriptions, seminars attended
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Status: Public
Entries: 1
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Views: 8,514

In General University of Victoria Seminar September 17th,18th Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 09-20-2005 08:32 PM
This past weekend I attended the seminar taught by Kawahara Sensei, who as always had many intriguing ideas and concepts. As our Canadian Shihan, Kawahara is most apt, and capable, I thoroughly every class, and every opportunity to converse with him. This weekend was of course no exception. On the saturday we worked through a lot of nikkyo techniques with about 3/4 of them being in seiza, as suwari waza. Working with some new yudansha that I had never worked with before, was interesting, though at some points it took a few turns of taking and giving ukemi to get a feel for their dojo's specific style. A few new techniques I had never worked through before were, a variation on a rio tetori irimi nage involving and almost kaiten nage like entrance. Also, a nikkyo kaiten nage, ura with a twist was also very neat to see, though I'm sure I blundered it completely , Kawahara sensei moved through it with power and grace, befitting a man who has been working with aikido for his entire life. After the saturday class a little later in the evening as is the usual whoever wants to meets for dinner either as a pot luck at a house, or at a resturaunt. We met at the Szechuan garden, which was absolutley packed, but its always fun to have dinner and socialize with other aikidoka, the majority of which are kind, and intelligent people. The next days class were a fair amount shorter than saturdays 6 hours, sunday ran at about 2 and a half. Though it was every bit as enjoyable as saturday. We ran through a fair amount of techniques for the short time, and I had the pleasure of a nice stroll with sensei after class. Having met sensei a fair amount of times now at various seminars, and speaking a little japanese helped. Also I think he likes the fact that my girlfriend is that of a more ...traditional type of japanese girl. ^^ Sensei says. Keep this girl, very smart, parents good. (Her parents are both teachers, sensei says, teachers raise good children). I will have another blog wednesday night about teusdays' regular class).
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