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Cocoon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-13-2006 01:46 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 16
Comments: 12
Views: 72,997

In General Injury Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 03-24-2006 05:25 PM
Well I've screwed up my arms. I've been out of class for 4 days now. Monday we were practicing striking and I guess I didn't have a good view of what Sensei was doing, so when I had to practice I was hitting wrong. One of the guys was holding a focus mitt, and he put all his body weight into it, I thought we were doing a corkscrew backfist, seemed kinda odd to me at the time too. Anyhow I kept hitting the mitt and since there was no give to it my wrist kept bending while locked, so I pulled my tendons in my forearms. 30 hits later Sensei tells me we're doing a loose hook; if only I'd known.

So, the next day I woke up and went to get coffee and noticed my arms were hurting, grabbed my cup and couldn't hold on and dropped it. Since then I needed two hands to hold on to things and yet still my hands were shaking. Can't squeeze a fist, and working istough, I have trouble pulling the cap off of a marker- sucks you know, I work using power tools. So, hopefully I heal up by Monday and get to go back to class, my arms and wrists are starting to feel a bit better now anyway. Geez I hope they don't scratch my name off the attendence sheet, it's kinda like getting kicked off the Island.
Views: 1529 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Injury"
#1 03-27-2006 12:46 AM
Murgen Says:
You guys should look into getting hand wraps if you don't have them already and some good bag gloves.

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