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Yesterday has gotta be the wickedest class I've had so far. Me and one of the guys have been going to Aikido for around a year now and I guess its gotten us in good shape. We talked before class about how frustrating Aikido can be as a beginner, and mentioned how shameful it feels to be basically fighting and not do as good as you hope in class.
Well when we got in we were doing shomen-uchi yonkyo, and man we just beat the crap right out of each other for an hour straight. We each felt nasty pain and it got both of us heated, so when he attacked he was actually trying to take my head off, and I'd slam him down with everything I had and yonkyo his wrists hard, and vice versa. The whole thing was being done at our highest possible speed. And for either nage, if there was even a little slack as uke we'd get right up and try to punch eachother in the face with total honesty, which of course would cause nage panic and have no choice but to improvise the yonkyo to save ourselves from a black eye.
This had to have been the absolute best training day I've had, we've never fought so hard, except with Sensei. This is how I want to train when it's a technique that can be safely executed on uke, or on me as nage with that kind of ferocity.