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CatSienna's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-03-2005 01:13 AM
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Status: Public
Entries: 218 (Private: 79)
Comments: 51
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  #116 New 11-05-2006 07:10 AM
I just graded for 1st kyu...as usual I think I didn't do that well technically but at least I was less nervous this time than the last, and that was despite being right under the judges's noses. I had decided earlier on some weeks back that I needed to not think about it otherwise I'd just freak out and blank out on techniques like the last time. I figure heck, getting one's emotions under control is really half the job so I figured this time aound, at least I would work on that and improve that.

The weapons work was a surprise but since it was tanto techniques which we'd been rehersing and the easier ones at that, it was fine. I'd entirely forgetten that 2nd kyu to 1st get tested on tanto. The 1st I noticed had to do a much wider range of tanto techniques.

I also think I need more stamina! I uked for my friend who was going for her 2nd kyu then got a rest as they changed ukes. But found myself actually attacking slower and getting up slower than I normally do in class. So time to get back a bit to more aerobic work...sure need to push myself harder at class to keep up the pace. I do like doing a bit of uke work though as it helps me to warm up and I figure is better that I'm slightly tired then too adrenalin pumped which makes me too jumpy and hyper.
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