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CatSienna's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-03-2005 01:13 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 218 (Private: 79)
Comments: 51
Views: 355,585

In General Changing Partners Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #115 New 10-26-2006 09:24 PM
We had a few partner changes but only for three of the techniques during the second class. I think it's actually quite a good idea in a dojo that generally has the practice of sticking to one partner throughout, but I also noticed that generally people still only changed amongst little cliques which rather defeats the purpose. I certainly find it useful to have new partners every now and again as it keeps me on my toes, whether I like it or not .

I figure both having the same partner throughout as well as changing partners is good. I think at beginner classes it's generally better to have the same partner for longer periods but at more intermediate levels, rotations amongst a very varied range of partners might be better. The difficulty is always for people who can't adjust quickly but I also figure that since the number of people in the dojo is finite, after a few rounds of this, we'd all get used to each other's styles anyway and by then our range should have broadened out. Kinda like changing dance partners...all the seniors move over to the left ...

We practiced kaiten nage from ushiro and yokomen. Moves which I remember well I could not figure out at all the first time I had to do them but which by now come more easily although certainly not any where near perfect. I was lucky to be partnered with a dan grade for these and she was rather good at both techniques so gave me a pointer for each of them. It reminds me also that I should be more patient with those who know less than I do, in gratitude for what others have passed to me, in their great patience since I'm not exactly a fast learner.
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