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CatSienna's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-03-2005 12:13 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 218 (Private: 79)
Comments: 51
Views: 313,229

In General ankle II Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 03-21-2005 05:04 AM
No bones broken as far as the x ray shows, according to my doctor. She sent them to a radiologist for a second opinion but as long as I don't get a call back it means things are fine.

However the ankle is hurting more these few days than the few days immediately after the sprain. The doctor tells me it's because I was trying to put weight on it and hobble around the house. So now I have strict orders to not put *any* weight on it for a week. The side is tender to the touch so well, ouch and so much for early mobilisation. Looks like I'm really going to be off the mat for a considerable period.

Terry: thank you for your suggestion. I sent a PM to thank you but am not sure it got through so this is in case you didn't see that.
Views: 1583 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "ankle II"
#1 03-21-2005 09:27 AM
Oops, the PM must not have gone through. I just checked and I don't see any. Either way, my suggestion is to do as your doctor says and to get you a very good ankle brace. I was stupid and didn't use a crutch or a cane while I was healing up - I suggest you do that until you can walk for a hundred yards or so without any panic for things to grab onto. Once you start to get some confidence back, I very strongly suggest you go get some Physical therapy. That was the best thing I did and probably the only way I got back onto the mat. I tore all three ligaments and was off the mat for 3 months. Just be patient because you'll get back.

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