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brendaf's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-14-2004 12:03 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 5 (Private: 1)
Comments: 4
Views: 19,073

In General First Day Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 02-17-2004 02:54 PM
Feb 2, 2003
My first class was two weeks ago. Talk about feeling like a fish out of water. Not to mention being really nervous knowing that I was going against doctors orders to not start class for another eight weeks because of the Rotator Cuff tear. But having already waited three months for this thing to heal to start class was all I could take. My patience had reached its end and I just told myself I could fall on the right side and be fine. I probably should have said something to the instructor, but I certainly didn't want to be labeled a whiner or weak, so I figured I can fake my way through it. It did work, but I know I'm going to have to be really careful to avoid ending up in surgery. I imagine the recovery from that would take forever.

When we first got there one of the advanced students began telling us about all of the things that we could & could not say or do when the Sensei came in. Since one of my biggest pet peeves is large egos, by the end of the conversation I was set to not like this guy at all. Bow until he leaves the mat? Kneel while he speaks? It wasn't long before I caught myself thinking, "Who on earth does he think he is?" By the time he walked to the front of the mat, I had a big attitude just ready to go. But, I have to say after only a few minutes he won me over. What a nice guy. A great teacher that really started from the basics. He was very patient and was refreshingly laid back. My first impression is that this guy is really awesome and certainly makes me want to come back.

Class was great although pretty basic. By the end I was really looking forward to the next class.
Views: 1658 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "First Day"
#2 02-18-2004 09:17 AM
brendaf Says:
You're right. He obviously knows which moves will tax the shoulder much better than I do. By the time I realize a move is a bad idea, it might be too late. As much as I hate the thought of admitting a physical weakness, you're right. And, he seems a very understanding individual. Thank you for being a voice of reason. I'll take a deep breath and tell him about the shoulder. Brenda
#1 02-18-2004 01:30 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
TELL YOUR SENSEI!!! He will understand! Really!! If you don't the first time you practice a technique like Sankyo, or a three palms up pin, you WILL get hurt, and surgury will be enevitable. If sensei knows he will give you other things to work on till your shoulder is ready. TRUST ME! Kelly

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