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I do several martial arts, and would like to think that I am in shape. Boy did my teacher show me. A few weeks ago he added a new drill to the worm ups. He told us that when he was in the summer program up north they were expected to do 100 roles in five minuts. Thankfully he started us at 50 roles in five minuts. It was more like 50 in seven minuts. The next week he droped the time limit and just told us to do 50 roles as fast and as correctly as we could. Well its harder then it sounds, or at least it was for me. I am glad that he only does that drill on saturdays, but if he sees this we'll probibly do them more. I have not been to saturday morning class in a while, and i here that he has uped the number to I don't remember what. All I know is that it is going to suck for me.