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aikidodragon's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 12-14-2005 05:27 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 10
Comments: 2
Views: 37,047

In General boalling for aikidoka Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #10 New 01-23-2006 05:50 PM
This weekend I went to siminar. It was wonderful fun, Sato Sensei is a fun and wonderful teacher. It was three days of rolling and weapons work that I can't remember how to do.
The main thing was we kept rolling into each other or the group across from us.
to be continued
Views: 5128

In General Shodokan Verses Tomiki Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #9 New 01-15-2006 03:55 PM
Okay this search is going nowhere quik. I have seen both Shodokan and Tomiki during my research of the Tomiki style of Aikido.
Yes yes I know most people say its not Aikido, kill me later.
That whole thing doesn't make mutch sence to me ether.
Tomiki learned from O Ssensei also. AS well with Dr Kano, who also trained with O sensei. So why can't we seem to get along. We all came from the same background.
Any back to my first question. Why are there two names for the same style, or are they really the same style?
Please help me my research is not being mutch help.
Views: 1503

In General Tomiki?? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 01-13-2006 03:27 PM
I was invited to train with the University of Arkansas Aikido club. However; they train Tomiki. I don't know what to do, should I go train with them? How do you all feel about this, and what if any information can you give me about this system?
Views: 1883 | Comments: 1

In General Please Make the Mat Stop Moving? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 01-05-2006 01:18 PM
Well its the new year, and our sensei brout in with a spen. The first part of class was business as normal, we did yonkio for our requiorment for the day.
Yes well the nex part wasn't as much fun.
I don't think five menuts is long enough for a hundred ukemi. I only made to seventy. All i could think was o my stumic, and i wish the mat would stop moving. I am glad that it was the ind of class so I could go home and die.
I am still hurting from it today.
Happy new year to all, and good luck withyour aikido this year.
Views: 1759 | Comments: 1

In General the end has come Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 12-31-2005 12:27 PM
Well this mornings practice was the last for the year. The first hour was meditation, fun fun. Hopefully some day I will be able to clear my mind, because all I can think about during the sits is how much longer and I wish my feet weren't asleep. We did both the sitting and the walking meditations, the walking is not as bad. At least you can feel your feet.
The second hour we did throws and some tactical application stuff. It was fun, i am getting to the point where i really injoy brake falling. "But lets keep that quiet shall we." We will be starting the new year with 100 roles at the begining of weapons class Monday night.
Views: 1543

In General updated info Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 12-30-2005 03:01 PM
For any one trying to i.m me heres the new info. I can only use msn messenger or the built windows messenger wich can be set up through microsoft passport at www.passport.net. The contact adresses for me are aikikaidragon@hotmail.com or kodokandragon@yahoo.com both will work with windows messenger and the hotmail will for sure work for msn.
Views: 1498

In General finally Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 12-29-2005 12:17 PM
I love my brothers but babysitting is infrenging on my training, and not just them school too. I finally went to class last night for like the second time in two two and half months. Of corse the night i go back we ind up doing nekio and kotogash. Sorry about the spelling. Saturday morning should prove to be fun, we are having our new years selebration early. The big one is that night in fort smith. I have feeling that saturday's intry title will be, Za-Zin ain't my friend. O well find out then I guess.
Views: 1687

In General advice any one Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 12-20-2005 10:27 PM
I know that this is suposed to be an aikido journal but i need advice. Recently I was informed that I needed to atend like 3 elete level judo tornaments to be elegable for the world games team for the international blind world games. Well heres the problem. I need help figuring out how to rase that kind of money. Not just for the tornaments in the country but for France as well. If I can get on the national point roster US Judo will help fund me, but I need suggestions on how to rase money to go to the tornaments. Any one with ideas please please let me know. You can post here as a comment, or e-mail me at kodokandragon@yahoo.com, or use msn or wendows messenger to tell me my contact for that is kodokandragon@yahoo.com I promise it will work if you use msn or wendows messenger. Please and thank you.
Views: 1528

In General you might be an aikido adict if? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 12-14-2005 08:27 PM
Well sence my screen reader won't be friends with the forums I will just pu my reply hear.
you might be an aikido adict if you read and respond to that particular forum
if you practice your brake falls over your little brother down a flight of concrete stairs
if you fly off the back of a tredmill and admire your good ukemi
if you try to use a blind person's cane as a jo and ask your instructor how you might go about carrying this out.
Yes i am blind and i have done all of the last three on my list.
O yah you might adicted if you start a group called Aikido Practicioners Anonamous "APA"
Views: 1491

In General Some times i hate winter training Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 12-14-2005 05:27 PM
I do several martial arts, and would like to think that I am in shape. Boy did my teacher show me. A few weeks ago he added a new drill to the worm ups. He told us that when he was in the summer program up north they were expected to do 100 roles in five minuts. Thankfully he started us at 50 roles in five minuts. It was more like 50 in seven minuts. The next week he droped the time limit and just told us to do 50 roles as fast and as correctly as we could. Well its harder then it sounds, or at least it was for me. I am glad that he only does that drill on saturdays, but if he sees this we'll probibly do them more. I have not been to saturday morning class in a while, and i here that he has uped the number to I don't remember what. All I know is that it is going to suck for me.
Views: 1600

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