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Aikido in Rhyme Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-31-2011 06:17 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 53
Comments: 69
Views: 253,015

In General Sen no Budo. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #21 New 03-01-2012 09:41 PM
People ask me is Aikido about sensitivity.
I say 'obviously' for it contains no negativity;
For that has one purpose, the purpose to negate,
But Ki is infinite so negativity must infinitely wait.

Some people ask me is Aikido a budo art,
I say 'which budo? and send them back to the start;
The budo of war of games and strategy, chess, monopoly or ludo?
Why no of course not it's the one of truth, it's called sen no budo.

Some people ask me if it's to do with control thus for control freaks,
They point out it has within it a certain set of control techniques:
That illusion being is what they are seeing thus unbeknown live with dischord,
For those control techniques are merely the motions of a sword.

So then they ask is Aikido thus the art of slicing and dicing, with cutting and flows?
The way of the Samurai, to be brave and stand up to all enemies and foes!
Alas no I say for bravery is hollow but courage is full of the spice of life,
The sword makes an empty bowl of faith in turn which heals all life.

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